
High Performance: Mirrors, not zombies, are the answer


In a previous blog post, I jokingly referred to hiring zombies as a way to solve the labor shortage. I don’t actually think this the best solution, not only because zombies don’t exist, but also because the real solution isn’t going to be found in some new recruiting technique. The real solution is only going to be found by becoming a magnet for talent. Let me explain.

A company that’s a magnet for talent is an answer to prayer for those looking for a place to call home. It’s a place where people are valued, energized, appreciated and rewarded. It’s a place where the work is meaningful, not because of the work itself, but because there is a deeper purpose to the work. It’s a place where people rarely leave, but many come to join the cause. These places do exist, but they’re few and far between.

Becoming a magnet for talent requires a company to look in the mirror and recognize that the problem and the solution come from within. Sure, there are external solutions, both at the national and industry level, but the real work is found at the organizational level. This is where the rubber meets the road.

In many companies, there are a myriad of things that push away good people—that cause dissatisfaction and employee turnover. Instead of being magnets for talent, these organizations are simply places for people to collect a paycheck until something better comes along. How are these firms ever going to attract and retain talent in this new era? The answer, quite simply, is they won’t.

What would happen if companies decided to identify the causes of dissatisfaction and implemented changes to fix these areas? What if they really committed their energy to this cause? What if they really were dedicated to making it happen? What would be the result?

There is an urgent need for all organizations to get moving down this path. If they fail to act now, it may be too late very soon. The trends creating the labor shortage are here to stay and zombies don’t exist. It’s time to act.

Now go forth.


Image: PublicDomainPhotos.net / George Hodan

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Phil Harwood

Phil Harwood is a Senior Advisor with Tamarisk Business Advisors. Contact him at phil.harwood@tamariskadvisors.com.

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