
Readers weigh in on the value of early order programs

(Graphic: LM Staff)
(Graphic: LM Staff)

In late spring of this year, Landscape Management asked readers to give some insight on how they perceive chemical manufacturers’ early order programs (EOPs). We received responses from readers in 18 states. Overwhelmingly, respondents said they will participate (75 percent) in this fall’s EOPs, and they prefer both meeting in person with their distributor sales representative and online virtual models.

(Graphic: LM Staff)
(Graphic: LM Staff)

Most respondents listed “cost savings” as the main reason they participate in EOPs. “We are able to achieve some discounting and lock in pricing,” a reader in North Carolina wrote.


(Graphic: LM Staff)
(Graphic: LM Staff)

A respondent in New Jersey said EOPs “save some money and get this end of our work out of
the way.”

Still, some readers bemoaned the programs, saying EOPs can be complicated, they have too much inventory from 2020 still or the benefits are not realized for their businesses.

“I don’t like pallet deals or bundles,” said a reader in Kansas. “I want the products that I want. I don’t want to have to buy something that I don’t really want to save a few dollars.”

(Graphic: LM Staff)
(Graphic: LM Staff)
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