
Bruce’s View: 5 ways to innovate

Bruce Wilson
Bruce Wilson

Everywhere we go, we meet with landscape leaders who are looking to offer a greater service experience, higher quality work and become a great place to work. But simply talking about launching innovative initiatives isn’t enough. Many contractors who want to grow run into the same problem: silos. Ideas get lost in the execution, exposing thornier problems.

To overcome this obstacle, here are a few best practices to integrate into your culture.

1. Set goals and measure results. Companies tend to perform better if they have measurable performance goals and track results.

2. Rely on fact-based decision making. Combine insight and foresight, validating your instincts with data from inside and outside your company.

3. Invest in surveys. Get valid input from your clients and employees with third-party surveys. Make improvements based on feedback. Let clients know you closed the loop.

4. Recruit continuously. Hire talent when it’s available, not when you’re stuck. Use a combination of in-house and professional training resources to recruit and onboard new hires and develop managers.

5. Make marketing strategic. An integrated marketing-communications program, linked to growth goals, will help your company realize its objectives.

Be prepared to tweak your approach. Constantly updating your business model will create a flexible organization that can make you more prepared than ever to adapt to shifting customer expectations.

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Bruce Wilson

The author, of the Wilson-Oyler Group, is a 30-year industry veteran. Reach him at bwilson@wilson-oyler.com.

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