
Communication Coach: A 3-point plan for building winning marketing content

Illustration: Mykyta Dolmatov/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Illustration: Mykyta Dolmatov/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Illustration: Mykyta Dolmatov/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Illustration: Mykyta Dolmatov/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Whenever there is a crisis, people seek stability. This is an opportunity for helping your audience.

Marketing 101 says you should meet them where they are. They can’t possibly be on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram AND YouTube.

Do I use all of those channels? Sure, but for different purposes. And that puts me in three or four audiences.

On YouTube, I’m looking for tutorials to learn something, such as how to fix my latest running injury. LinkedIn? That’s for light business research. Instagram is for keeping up with family and close friends. Facebook is mostly a habit at this point, no real purpose.

Here’s a question you should ask yourself: If I could dominate one marketing channel at the expense of all others to grow my business, which should it be and why?

This is more than a great exercise; it’s a lesson in how the big brands and influencers got their start, rebranded or secured their business future.

Marketers know earning attention is harder than ever. This calls for a new strategy to achieve your goals. Resources are precious, so it is best to focus them. Move all of your resources to where you can be the best.

Other than your website and client newsletter, choose one marketing channel where you can focus on one audience.

I recommended this to a client, and she asked, “Does this really work?” I pulled out my toolbox to prove the playing field is wide open and ready for the taking.

Go see for yourself. Search for the SEO keyword phrases for which your company wants to rank. Tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs and BuzzSumo offer free or nearly free trials. They all show this is more than possible.

The problem with marketing is there is always too much to do. That’s because most people consider it a creative process. This is mostly a construction process that relies on data to build (not create) winning content.

My three-point plan for building winning marketing content includes:

#1. Stay in your social media lane

It’s unlikely your audience is on every social media channel. Even if they are, you are only encouraging them to tune you out by spreading your content thin. So choose the one you believe will best achieve your goals.

You do not have to kill any channels, but that’s up to you. Instead, use the secondary channels to listen and learn. All of them are useful for that if you avoid going down rabbit holes.

Every company has limited resources. Whether that is your time or money invested in an outside agency, this approach will make it last longer.

#2. Go deeper with website content

The point of social media is to push leads to your website. To improve its lead conversion, focus on fewer pages and posts. Instead of 1,000 articles, seek to create 100 great articles.

Start by using Google Analytics to see what’s generating the most traffic. Then go deeper with that content by trimming the fat and adding relevant updates. You can combine multiple blog posts into one if they are too thin to update.

Google wants what your prospective customers want: longer-form content that solves real problems. It senses this by the word count and supportive elements such as video.

#3. Place bigger bets on winning content

Use Google Analytics and social media channel insights to discover the best of the best. Then put a few advertising dollars behind that content to give it another ride.

Now and then, a few winners will emerge. Winners win bigger if you invest in them.

Pull your ad spend from everything else and focus it on them. That’s how you dominate, by scouting out the winners and betting on them.

Winning marketing content isn’t created. It is built, methodically assembled, piece by piece.

And, that process is data-driven.

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Jeff Korhan

Jeff Korhan

Jeff Korhan is the owner of True Nature Marketing, a Naples, Fla.-based company helping entrepreneurs grow. Reach him at jeff@truenature.com. Jeff works with service companies that want to drive growth and enhance their brand experience with digital platforms.

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